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Methil Heritage Centre opening hours are

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 11am to 4.30pm

(closed for lunch 1pm to 1.30pm)

and Saturday from 1pm to 4pm.


Come along and see what is on offer.
















 In December 2007 Friends of Methil Heritage received support from the Scottish Government-funded Digital Resources Development Team for their SCANIT project.
With a grant to buy equipment, and after specialised training, 7 dedicated Friends scanned almost 2000 photographs from the Heritage Centre's collection.
Now, anyone looking for a particular image can browse "thumbnail" versions in print and visitors can enjoy a continuous slide show of images of the area. The original photos are kept safe for the future while high quality electronic images will soon be accessible to all.
(Supported by the Regional Development Challenge Fund)


 Please contact the centre on 01334 659339

for further information about the Centre and facilities.